Monuments of the South


Granite Headstones Services Near you

Monuments of the South provide some of the most well-crafted grave headstones in Shreveport, Louisiana, if you are looking for granite gravestone services near you. Over the years our granite headstone offerings have expanded from engraved memorial stones, children’s monuments, and baby headstones to pet headstones.

We are often asked what a grave headstone costs. The headstones’ design and layout, material (Granite and Bronze) , color, and size are just some of the determining factors of the tomb headstone cost. Please see the many headstone options and prices idea below.

The Importance of a cemetery headstones

Losing someone special is an emotionally very difficult situation. Although this is natural that none of us can deny, accepting that someone so you love will no longer be around after some time. On the other hand, you make all efforts to lay your most dear person to rest in the most honorable manner.

You know what, your loved one up there smiling down on you for a beautiful memorial. Grave headstones, one of the essentials of a funeral for many of you people. Cemetery tombstone serves as the most meaningful tribute to your dear person, who is now resting in peace.

A headstone usually carries the important details of a departed loved one such as full name, passing date, date of birth, father's name, or more. All this also serves as a documented mark on the person’s grave that lasts through years.

Custom Cemetery Headstones Options

Generally, when people look for classic tombstones for sale they hold the name of the deceased, birth date, and date of passing. Nowadays, more customize options are given to the family. Different types of materials are used to design and built a headstone such as concrete, sandstone, wood, iron, and limestone but among the most standard are bronze & granite.

The colors of headstones also vary. Most families consider the shade that the departed loved the most. However, some go for colors that differ from others to give the memorial a unique appeal.

Vases are an extra feature that many families prefer. Which are added on each side of the tombstone according to your requirement, which adds beauty to the grave. Although, the vase accommodates the practice of presenting flowers to the grave. Much like the angel headstones which also deliver more elegance to the grave.

However, over the years, the design and layout of headstones have also changed. Families need to take advantage of the freedom to choose the design based on appearance and also their religious beliefs.

Headstones can be made more personalized with emblems or epitaphs. These days, you can also put biblical verses, quotations, and other sayings to express honor and love for a family relative or friend beyond the grave.


How much does a grave headstone cost?

The memorial headstones' layout and design, material, color, and size are just some of the determining elements of the grave headstone cost. This investment could be of course, higher if lettering and artwork are applied. The average cost of cemetery tombstones starts from $1,500 to $2,000.

Typical, more inexpensive headstones are ones made of granite and bronze. These materials are believed the most valuable, not just because these make affordable headstones, but because of their durability and resilience.

Monument of the South: Ensuring the Gift of a Departed Loved One Life On

At Monuments of the South, we make sure we deliver monuments with features that make our clients feel better. As we know and feel how you should tribute to your loved one. We work to ensure the despair and sorrow that a family faces are limited. Instead, we design your headstones with purpose and remembrance for the loved one who is now resting in peace.

At Monuments of the South, we don’t just make headstones for people. Our loved ones are many times our pets. We make wonderful pet memorial headstones from high-quality dog monuments to cat memorial stones. Our pet headstones are as lovely as the ones we produce for humans.

Monuments of the South is a highly considered company in the field of funeral services. We have earned respect from both clients and business associates because of our work quality and delivery time. Beautiful works of art, cost-effective products, top-quality materials, and professional skilled workers all contribute to our excellent performance.

If you’re looking for a provider of cemetery gravestones, come visit our gallery and let us know which of our products matches your preference. We are always open for consultation and also open to building customized headstones to meet your requirements.

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